FSC Workshops, Core Updates, Piper Professor

As we head into the summer, I want to encourage you to participate in TCU’s QEP: Finding Ourselves in Community workshops this fall, briefly update you on updates to the Core, and congratulate our colleague on a prestigious state-wide honor.

FSC Workshops Still Accepting Applications
I keep hearing good things about the FSC workshops led by Dean Frank Hernandez and Dr. Cynthia Savage. I encourage you to participate in the Fall 2024 workshops to prepare you to include FSC in your courses. Click here to access the application and see the workshop schedule. This is such an important initiative for TCU that you will receive a $1,000 stipend for successfully completing the workshops and an additional $1,000 for teaching your first course and submitting student artifacts. I am excited to see more and more FSC-designated courses being offered across so many different studies.

Core Curriculum Updated
The Faculty Senate voted to approve several updates to the Core Curriculum, the culmination of a three-year faculty-led process with feedback from all colleges/schools, associate deans, college diversity advocates and the Student Government Association. The updates will improve student learning, faculty teaching, and communication of the benefits and purpose of the Core Curriculum. Implementation will be rolled out over the next academic year. More information will be forthcoming at each stage. I thank Core Curriculum Director Theresa Gaul and the Core Curriculum Council for spearheading this important project.

Congratulations to TCU’s Piper Professors
Dr. James Riddlesperger, political science professor, was named a 2024 Piper Professor by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation. This is a prestigious state-wide honor bestowed on only 10 professors across Texas each year for superior teaching at the college level. Impressively, this is the second year in a row for a TCU faculty member to be honored. Dr. Sally Fortenberry was honored as a 2023 Piper Professor. This makes 14 TCU faculty members who have been honored as Piper Professors since the award began in 1958. Well done!

I have a one or two more updates to tell you about in the next few days. In the meantime, congratulations for completing another great semester at TCU, as reflected on the smiling faces of our students after completing finals.

Best wishes,

Floyd L. Wormley, Jr., Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vice Provost for Research
Dean of Graduate Studies