University Advisory Committee – P&T
The University Advisory Committee advises the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on actions concerning promotion and tenure in accordance with the policy and procedures of the Promotion, Tenure and Emeritus Policy.
The University Advisory Committee consists of eight faculty members:
- Four are elected by the Faculty Senate from among the total tenured University faculty
- Four are appointed by the Provost.
- Members represent AddRan College of Liberal Arts (two members representing Humanities and Social Sciences), and one each from Bob Schieffer College of Communication, College of Education, College of Fine Arts, College of Science & Engineering, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences, and Neeley School of Business.
- Only tenured faculty may serve on the committee.
- Department chairs are not eligible.
- Any faculty member who devotes one-half or more of their time to administrative duties is not eligible.
- Any committee member who has served a full term (three years) is not eligible for appointment or reelection for three years.
- The term of service is three years, staggered so that no more than three members expire in the same year.
- Terms end at the end of the spring semester.
- Terms begin at the beginning of the fall semester,
Appointment Schedule
- The Provost and Faculty Senate each choose committee members according to this schedule: University Promotion and Tenure Committee membership appointment schedule.
- In January of each year, the Faculty Senate and the Provost will select members based on the above schedule. Selections must be made before the end of the spring semester.
- The committee shall elect a chair for the ensuing year at a meeting held before the end of the spring semester.
Committee Members 2024
Alex Lemon | AddRan College of Liberal Arts - Humanities | 2026 |
Jeannine Gailey | AddRan College of Liberal Arts - Social Sciences | 2025 |
Karen Nelson | Neeley School of Business | 2026 |
Richard Allen | Bob Schieffer College of Communications | 2027 |
Jo Beth Jimerson, CHAIR | College of Education | 2025 |
Amy Roehl | College of Fine Arts | 2026 |
Anthony DiLollo | Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences | 2025 |
Bingyang Wei | College of Science and Engineering | 2027 |