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Core Curriculum – Faculty

Analyze human experiences, cultural expressions, or creativity

Apply mathematical and scientific literacy skills or concepts

Describe concepts or theories of social responsibility in diverse or global communities

Communicate effectively


Approved Core Courses

You must be logged in to your TCU account on campus or use a secure VPN to access the tableau dashboard of Core Curriculum courses available by clicking here for a list of courses approved for the TCU Core.


Changes to the Core 2024

The Faculty Senate approved seven changes to the Core Curriculum and student learning outcomes in April 2024, following a two-year review. Click here for more information,


Core Learning Outcomes

Find student learning outcomes for your syllabusDownload the TCU Core Curriculum competencies and learning outcomes.


Submitting Courses

Submit courses online by clicking the link to the form below. Deadline for all submissions is the 1st of each month. No submissions are reviewed in January and summer months. Guidelines and instructions are below.

Core Curriculum Course Submission Form

All submitted courses must be approved by the Undergraduate Council. Consult your department chair or director of undergraduate studies before submitting, to make sure your goals for the course align with your department’s vision of its role in the Core Curriculum. Submit your proposal early in the semester to allow time for revisions, especially if you plan to teach it in the next semester. (Courses will not be designated as Core Curriculum in the same semester as they are approved. If your course is not approved by the committee’s final meeting of the semester, it will not carry Core status during the subsequent semester

Instructions for Submitting Courses

For technical issues during the submission process, contact Leslie Zvitt at
For questions about the content of your submission, contact Theresa Gaul at

1. Click the link above and sign in to

2. Fill in the text boxes for each student learning outcome in each area of the Core you select. The content you supply should be unique for each area of the submission, specifically addressing the student learning outcome(s) you chose for that category.

  • Provide two to four sentences framing a narrative overview, written for a non-specialist reader, of how this course connects to the Core area.
  • Explain how, in specific terms, your course supports students’ achievement of the student learning outcome(s) in a substantial manner.
  • Copy and paste two to four assignment prompts from your course that provide evidence of how students will meet the student learning outcome(s). These assignments should produce student work that is evaluated.
  • For Writing Emphasis submissions, you will also be asked this additional question: How will writing be emphasized in this course? (For example, total number of pages written, percentage of grade for writing assignments, number of drafts, description of the writing process students will engage in, amount or topics of writing instruction you will provide.)

3. Upload your course syllabus.

4. You may leave and return to your submission at a later date. It will be saved in progress. However, Once submitted, no edits can be made.

5. You may submit a course simultaneously by following these rules:

  • Courses may be vetted for up to two areas of HMVV. However, students will be able to count the course in only one category.
  • A course in the HEE section of the Core may also be vetted for HMVV.
  • Any course at the 30000-level or above, including those vetted for HMVV and HEE, may be vetted for Writing Emphasis.
  • If you decide at a later date to submit the course for an additional category, you must start a new submission form.

6. When you have completed all steps and are satisfied with your submissions, click “Submit” to complete your submission.

If you plan to teach your course in the next semester, do not wait until the last meeting of the semester to submit your proposal in case you are asked for revisions.

Courses may only carry Core attributes beginning the semester after they are approved.


Natural Sciences submissions are reviewed by the College of Science and Engineering Curriculum Committee.

Humanities and Social Sciences submissions are reviewed by the AddRan College of Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee.

Fine Arts submissions are reviewed by the College of Fine Arts Curriculum Committee.

Mathematical Reasoning submissions are reviewed by the Mathematics Department.

Written Communication 1 & 2 submissions are reviewed by the English Department.

Oral Communications submissions are reviewed by the Communication Studies Department.

Writing Emphasis submissions are reviewed by the Writing Emphasis Committee.

WEM courses – key points

Principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) should be foundational to the TCU Core Curriculum and permeate the courses offered throughout the Core.

In spring 2019, the Faculty Assembly and Faculty Senate voted to approve a resolution recommending the addition of a DEI Essential Competency (EC) to the TCU Core Curriculum. Plans for implementing the DEI EC were paused during the pandemic.

“Finding Ourselves in Community,” TCU Quality Enhancement Plan, was implemented to develop students’ self-awareness in relation to others, a key student learning outcome included in the DEI EC resolution.

The Faculty Senate approved changes to the Core Curriculum in spring 2024 to heighten DEI language in the student learning outcomes for Cultural Awareness (CA), Global Awareness (GA), and Citizenship and Social Values (CSV), continuing the legacy of the DEI EC resolution. In addition, we encourage faculty to build DEI content and methodologies into your syllabi and to use inclusive pedagogies in your classroom to ensure that the TCU Core Curriculum cultivates a sense of belonging in all students.

We also encourage faculty to take advantage of training in inclusive pedagogies:



Tips for Advising Students

Download a chart of Core Curriculum courses here to help students plan their courses. 

Click to watch a video to learn about the Core Curriculum and get tips for effective student advising.

Click to learn more about the Core Curriculum in an Admissions video aimed at prospective students. 


Review Report

Download the 2022 Core Curriculum Review report to the Faculty Senate.