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Faculty Hiring Checklist

A Program for Faculty Search, Recruitment and Selection

Questions? Contact Communications Director Elaine Cole at

The eight-step Faculty Hiring Checklist is designed to facilitate efforts by hiring managers and search committees to attract and hire the best, most diverse faculty consistent with TCU’s high standards of inclusive excellence. The checklist encompasses the entire hiring process, step by step, from beginning to end, including committee selection, recruitment, job postings, interviews, hiring, onboarding, and submitting required documents via PageUp and a designated TCU Box folder sent to you when your search is approved by the Provost’s Office.


Faculty Hiring Checklist Jan 2024


Who Manages the Checklist

The Search Committee Chair and Hiring Manager—typically the department chair, associate dean or dean.

When to Use the Checklist 

The checklist applies only to all permanent full-time faculty positions, both tenure-track and non-tenure-track. When a search is approved, the Provost’s Office will notify the Dean, Department Chair and Hiring Manager and provide links to:

    • This webpage to access the Faculty Hiring Checklist, directions and FAQs.
    • The designated TCU Box folder to upload required documents during the search.

 How to Use the Checklist

The checklist is a simple step-by-step form with fillable checkmarks for completing steps and submitting required materials via PageUp or Box. Many of the steps are already in use by search committees. The eight steps cover:

  1. Plan and Prepare
  2. Create and Approve Faculty Search
  3. Post Job Advertisement
  4. Initial Review – First-Round Interviews
  5. Identify Finalists-Final Interviews
  6. Finalize Candidates
  7. Offer and Onboarding
  8. Submit Completed Checklist


“I found it beneficial to have best-practice steps laid out in writing. The checklist was easy to use, made the process smooth, helped the committee know that we hadn’t forgotten to do something, and yielded a diverse selection of candidates.”

Emily Lund, associate professor and associate dean for research, Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences



Frequently Asked Questions


Examples of Hiring Documents



2023 Checklist used across campus.
2022 Harris College piloted the initial university checklist in spring 2022. Status reports were presented to Faculty Senate, and hiring managers were consulted to refine. The checklist was initiated across campus in fall 2022.
2021: The university-wide Faculty Hiring Checklist was implemented and posted on the Provost’s website under Faculty Resources for easy access
2020: A committee created by the Provost worked to refine the checklist, with status reports provided to Chairs Council and Provost Council.
2019: Provost’s Office consulted with the Office of Equity and Inclusion and College Diversity Advocates to draft a university-level hiring checklist.
2018: AddRan College created and piloted a hiring guide