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Pilot Programs and Committee Work

These pilot programs, led by committees with faculty representatives, carefully scrutinize existing programs or recommend new ones to ensure that TCU continues to be a premier institution of higher education now and for the future.

These are PILOT PROGRAMS. Your input is welcome as we test processes and solve challenges for final implementation. Provide feedback or send questions to



A Class Size Policy workgroup was formed in the summer 2023 in response to the Trustees’ request to evaluate small undergraduate classes in relation to fiscal sustainability. The goal is to clean up inefficiencies and misclassifications while maintaining important classes.

Spring 2024: The workgroup will draft a policy and vet it with all academic deans and the Provost, The goal is to pilot the policy in spring 2024 as the Fall 2024 class schedule is being developed.
Fall 2023: Institutional Research corrected the categorization of classes. Each Dean analyzed their undergraduate class sections with fewer than 10 students to understand the current situation and the impact of limitations placed on small class sizes.



The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs formed and is leading an Equitable Student Success advisory board to design and develop processes to enhance equitable student success.

Spring 2024: The advisory board meets monthly to review data on student performance, participation and perception to identify gaps and discern how best to mitigate and eliminate those gaps.
Fall 2023: An Equitable Student Success advisory board of faculty and staff from each college and school was established.



In April 2022, the Provost convened a Student Progression Ad Hoc Committee to identify possibilities for facilitating the academic progression of all students, particularly transfer students, by considering and making proposals that would remove barriers, thereby better advancing students’ academic progression to degree completion at TCU. The ad hoc committee is chaired by the vice provost for student success and includes the dean of admission, dean of graduate studies, core director, two college deans, faculty senate chair and three additional senate representatives chosen by the senate chair.

April 2023: Proposals voted on by Faculty Senate.
January 2023: Faculty Senate formed an ad hoc committee to review and submit the three proposals for vote among all faculty.
December 2022: Proposals submitted to Faculty Senate.
August 2022: AA ad hoc committee confirms three proposals.
April 2022: Academic Affairs ad hoc committee convenes and meets throughout summer 2022.



Due to the pandemic, requiring SAT and ACT exams for admissions was made optional in April 2020 and extended in 2022. During Fall 2023, the test-optional pilot is being monitored by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs to assess its impact on students’ academic performance and success across multiple demographic populations. A faculty survey was administered in early fall, with results to be shared with Faculty Senate and the Provost to assist in determining the next steps. The Provost will re-evaluate the test-optional pilot when the TCU class of 2024 graduates.

2024: The Provost will re-evaluate the option when the Class of 2024 graduates.
2023: Survey sent to faculty. Monitoring to assess the impact on student academic performance.
July 2022: Test optional was extended to include 2023 and 2024 high school graduates.
April 2020: SAT and ACT exams became optional