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Faculty Handbook – Academic Affairs Councils




In general, all major academic matters involving policy, development of programs, degree offerings, calendar and some aspects of student life fall within the purview of the University Council. Matters that cannot be resolved by other committees and recommendations of the Graduate Council and Undergraduate Council may be submitted to the Council for review and decision.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

A. Academic calendar including final examination scheduling, class recesses, registration periods, and related issues;

B. Graduation requirements for all degrees including grading policies and computation of GPA, residency requirements, semester-hour credit requirements, transfer credit, and thesis/dissertation requirements;

C. Academic policies governing all students such as Final Examination Policy, Academic Conduct Policy, Student-Initiated Withdrawal Policy, Academic Probation and Suspension Policy, and the use of the Q symbol;

D. Policies governing retention and progression of students in academic programs;

E. Curriculum requirements including proposed changes in the TCU Core Curriculum Requirements and related school/college requirements, proposed addition or deletion of degree programs, and proposed (significant) programmatic changes;

F. Annual review of all international consortia relationships and education contractual agreements;

G. Such matters as brought to the Council by the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.


  • Faculty membership on University Council is normally restricted to full-time faculty, excluding lecturers.
  • List of current members.



In general, the Graduate Council reviews and recommends policies and practices pertaining to graduate academic affairs; reviews and acts on all graduate curricula changes (courses and programs) emanating from the school/colleges or the Office of Graduate Studies and Research; periodically reviews graduate programs for consistency within the University’s mission and individual program integrity. Recommendations of the Graduate Council will be forwarded to the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for review and approval or referral to the University Council as appropriate.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to the review and recommendation as appropriate of the following:

A. Unit course offerings (including additions/deletions) applicable to degree and certificate programs: note that 5000-level courses are considered both graduate and undergraduate;

B. Addition or deletion of majors;

C. Addition or deletion of degree programs;

D. Requirements for master and doctoral degrees;

E. Policies governing program admission and continued matriculation;

F. Graduate grading policies and practices;

G. Criteria for graduate financial aid;

H. Criteria and procedures for appointment to the Graduate faculty;

I. Such matters as brought to the Council by the Provost/ Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.


  • Faculty membership on Graduate Council is normally restricted to full-time faculty, excluding lecturers.
  • List of current members.



In general, the Undergraduate Council reviews and recommends policies and practices pertaining to undergraduate academic affairs; reviews and acts on all undergraduate curricula changes (courses and programs) emanating from the schools/colleges; periodically reviews undergraduate programs for consistency within the University’s mission and individual program integrity. Recommendations of the Undergraduate Council will be forwarded to the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for review and approval or referral to the University Council as appropriate.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to the review and recommendation as appropriate of the following course offerings (including additions/deletions) applicable to degree and certificate programs

A. Unit course offerings (including additions/deletions) applicable to degree and certificate programs; note that 5000-level courses are considered both undergraduate and graduate;
B. Addition or deletion of majors and minors;
C. Addition or deletion of degree and certificate programs;
D. Requirements for bachelor’s degrees;
E. Policies governing program admission and continued matriculation;
F. Undergraduate grading policies and practices;
G. Policies involving credit by examination, experiential learning and other nontraditional course credit experiences;
H. Such matters as brought to the Council by the Provost/Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.


  • Faculty membership on Undergraduate Council is normally restricted to full-time faculty, excluding lecturers.
  • List of current members. 

Information on this page was transferred from the 2022 Faculty and Staff Handbook and then reviewed and approved by a special committee of the Faculty Senate in July 2023.