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Faculty Handbook – Student Withdrawal

After a student has been duly enrolled in a class, he or she is considered to be officially in that class and responsible for a grade until he or she has formally dropped from the class or withdrawn from school. Merely discontinuing class attendance does not constitute a drop or withdrawal. A student who desires to drop a course or withdraw from the University should follow the established procedure originating in the Registrar’s Office. The date of withdrawal for purposes of tuition adjustment shall be the date of official withdrawal. The Registrar’s Office should be consulted for details concerning current university withdrawal policy.

The purpose of student-initiated withdrawal from courses is to enhance the learning opportunity in a program of study.

On recognition that a student may lack the background needed for the mastery of course content, the subject matter in a course does not match student need or interest as anticipated, or course requirements will limit effective appropriation of learning in a semester’s overall program of study, a student may officially withdraw from any course until 5 academic days following the published date that mid-semester reports of unsatisfactory work are due to the Registrar. The date of withdrawal for all purposes, including tuition adjustment, shall be the date of official withdrawal.

There will be no withdrawals after this date during the fall and spring semesters, or a comparable period during a shorter session.

Any student who experiences unusual hardship may seek special consideration through a written petition to the dean of the college of the student’s major. Petitions should, where possible, be documented with supporting statements from a doctor, counselor, or family member. A student doing unsatisfactory work in a course will not be taken as a sufficient reason for special consideration. If, in the opinion of the dean, the request is justified, a grade of “Q” (dropped by the dean’s permission) may be assigned by the dean after consultation with the instructor of the course, the chair of the department, and the dean of the college in which the course is offered. Any dean assigning a “Q” will notify the Registrar’s Office.