Final Evaluative Exercise Reminder

Dear Colleagues,

As the semester draws to an end, many of you are receiving questions from students regarding rescheduling the final evaluative exercise. To help you, I am sending this reminder regarding our Final Evaluative Exercise Policy from the Faculty Handbook.

For TCU to comply with U.S. government and SACSCOC accreditation requirements, a final evaluative exercise must be administered in all classes during the five-day time period published in the University Calendar, with only three exceptions, notably graduating seniors, as outlined in the policy. In place of an in-class exam you may assign a paper or project that is due at the time of the scheduled final evaluative exercise (or a bit earlier for graduating seniors as noted) that would take at least the same amount of time as an exam.

Here is a link to the policy in the 2023 Faculty Handbook. I also have included it below.

I urge you follow the policy so we are able to meet the needs of those students that fit into the exceptions while remaining in compliance with our accreditation guidelines. Please confer with your department chair or dean’s office if you have any questions or concerns.

I hope that everyone has a smooth conclusion to the semester.

Best wishes,

Floyd L. Wormley, Jr. Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vice Provost for Research
Dean of Graduate Studies