Dear Faculty,
To remain compliant following our reaffirmation of accreditation in December, we need a common syllabus template that includes all of the required information for accreditation, such as learning outcomes, QEP outcomes (for FSC courses), academic honesty and more. Last week I announced the new syllabus template. Now we have to make sure it is put into action.
Beginning Fall 2024:
- If you plan to teach a course in Spring 2025 you must use the new syllabus template, even for an existing course. While the format and information required are standard, your choice of fonts, colors and graphics are up to you.
- Your syllabus must be vetted and approved by your college’s or school’s curriculum committee. Your college or school may require prior vetting of the syllabus by a department curriculum committee.
- For courses to be taught in Fall 2025, syllabi will be vetted in the same process in Spring 2025.
- This process will continue each semester until all courses taught at TCU are using the required template.
- The form for proposing new courses already includes the new syllabus template.
In addition, all syllabi must be available online, in support of a resolution from the Student Government Association and passed by Faculty Senate. You may still hand out hard copies as long as you also provide digital copies. The Koehler Center is providing space for syllabi in D2L.
The Koehler Center provides the syllabus template, a checklist, and workshops both in person and via Zoom to assist you.
Click here to access the syllabus template, checklist and support services.
I know it seems like we are constantly asking you to do things. Believe me, I am trying to take things off your plates where possible. But this isn’t one of them. This one is vital to TCU’s standing as an accredited institution. Thank you in advance for understanding.
Best wishes,
Floyd L. Wormley, Jr., Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vice Provost for Research
Dean of Graduate Studies