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Promotion and Tenure

Procedures for Preparing Recommendations for Promotion, Tenure and Emeritus Status


Click here to access the Promotion, Tenure and Emeritus Policy


Other helpful information from Faculty Handbook: 


Calendar for Promotion and Tenure Process

Appendix A of the Promotion, Tenure and Emeritus Policy chronicles the promotional tenure cycle over any given year. Click the link above to access the policy and appendix. Note: If the deadline falls on a holiday, the due date will be the next business day.


Faculty Portfolio

The faculty member seeking promotion/tenure is responsible for preparing the portfolio using the Promotion and Tenure Portfolio Organizational Standards (Appendix C) and must attest to their completeness prior to submission by the college/school. The recommendations should be as detailed and current as possible since they are the basis on which faculty committees and University administrators make decisions.

Refer to the Promotion, Tenure and Emeritus Policy (link above):

  • Section IV.C.4 for Portfolio Requirements, Submissions and Access.
  • Appendix C for Promotion and Tenure Portfolio Organizational Standards.


Submitting Final Packets to the Provost’s Office

The college/school will submit a final packet for each candidate to the designated Box folders. There is a folder for Tenure-Track Faculty, a folder for Nontenture-Track Faculty, and a folder for Emeritus Faculty for each college/school. 

Refer to the Promotion, Tenure and Emeritus Policy (link above):

  • Section IV.C.4 for Portfolio Requirements, Submissions and Access.
  • Appendix A for Promotion and Tenure Calendar and deadlines.
  • Appendix C for Final Packet Standards as set by the Provost’s Office  


Contact Tina Peck, Manager of Faculty Affairs, with any questions: 817-257-1216 or


Tenure Extension Request Form

Click the link above for the Promotion, Tenure and Emeritus Policy that outlines eligibility requirements for an extension. If you, the requesting faculty member, meet the requirements, submit this Tenure Extension Request Form to your Chair and Dean. If approved by the Dean, the Dean will forward it to the Provost’s Office for review and approval. The faculty member (copying the Dean and Chair) will be sent a formal letter of approval or denial.


University Promotion and Tenure Committee

The University Promotion and Tenure Committee advises the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on actions concerning promotion and tenure in accordance with the policy and procedures of the Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee structure.


Contact Tina Peck, Manager of Faculty Affairs, with any questions: 817-257-1216 or