Faculty Handbook – Teaching Materials and Instructional Equipment
Teaching Materials
Instructional materials authored, created, produced or supplied by the course instructor may be assigned to be purchased by students for a course taught by the author. If such materials are simply reproduced for class distribution, the cost charged to students may not exceed the cost of reproduction and distribution. If the instructor receives direct financial benefit, the instructor must disclose the financial benefit and the department chair or dean may ask for justification before rendering a decision about the appropriateness of the materials. The chair or dean must provide an explicit rationale if the instructional materials are judged inappropriate.
Instructional Equipment
Equipment approved for purchase by the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the instructional setting will be inventoried and maintained through Information Technology. Requests and approvals for purchases will come to deans through department chairps and faculty. Equipment housed permanently in an academic building will be available for all classes taught in the building. Scheduling of the equipment will be handled by the department that initially requested the purchase of the equipment, and requests will be granted on a first-come/first-served basis. Individuals who use equipment in the instructional setting are expected to be trained adequately and are responsible for contacting Information Technology to obtain this training. The instructor is responsible for safeguarding the equipment, and the department may be held financially responsible if the equipment is lost or damaged.