Faculty Handbook – Grading
The University’s system of grading and a discussion of the grade-point system will be found in the Undergraduate Studies Catalog in the bachelor’s degree section under Definitions and Regulations, in the Graduate Studies Catalog under Academic Rating System, and in the Brite Divinity School Catalog under Grading.
All faculty members should familiarize themselves with this section, especially that area dealing with “I” grades and drops. A “Q” grade is assigned when a course is dropped with permission of the dean of the school or college of the student’s major (and dean of the school or college in which the course is offered, if different) in consultation with the instructor of the course when reasonably possible. The University’s course numbering system will also be found in the catalogs.
Grade Rosters
Faculty members are expected to report “Unsatisfactory Progress Reports” for students at mid-semester. A distinctive set of Web-based grade rosters is produced for unsatisfactory grades. At the end of each semester (or session), final Web-based class rosters for semester grade reporting are produced. For most classes, two separate rosters are produced, one for students who are graduating that semester and one for all other students.
For students on the graduation grade roster, grades are due before 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of exam week. (See final exam policy for guidance in giving finals to these students.)
For all other student grades, the rosters must be submitted within 72 hours of the final exam.
Reminders related to the deadlines, grades, and submission of the rosters will be emailed. Grades will be available to students online at the end of each semester. At mid-semester, students are provided notices by email of the courses in which their progress has been reported as unsatisfactory.