Faculty Handbook – Class Scheduling and Class Periods
Class Scheduling
The compilation of class schedules in such a large university is necessarily complex and difficult.
Classes will be scheduled from 8 a.m. – throughout the day. As far as possible, classroom assignments and hours will be drawn up with every consideration for convenience and need, but the teacher’s assignment may be distributed throughout the available hours. Many factors, such as size of class, equipment needed, etc., must be considered. Consequently, any requests for changes should be carefully considered and discussed with the department chairman and dean. To avoid conflicts, all changes in the published schedule must be cleared by the Registrar’s Office.
Class Periods
All classes and laboratories should begin promptly at the scheduled hour and every effort should be made to close the periods on time.
Classes which run beyond the regular time and prevent students from reaching their next class have been a cause of complaint. Every effort must be made to avoid this situation.