Dear Academic Affairs colleagues,
I hope you enjoyed Homecoming and our 150th finale events this past weekend. What a great time to be a Horned Frog.
With so much going on, I remind you of upcoming opportunities and deadlines.
TCU’s QEP: Finding Ourselves in Community (FSC)
I encourage faculty to incorporate Finding Ourselves in Community (FSC) into your courses. FSC is a curricular focus on self-awareness, across majors, to help students develop skills for interacting with people who are different from them. Faculty development workshops take place in Spring 2024. A $2,000 stipend will be provided. Applications are now being accepted and are due by the third Friday of November. Applications and more information are available on my website here.
Inclusive Excellence Speaker Series
This year’s IE Speaker Series will be a workshop repeated three times on November 9, 2023, in the Debate Chamber in Scharbauer Hall. The Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity will host “Positive and Affirming Strategies to Address Implicit Bias and Offensive Language.” Specific sessions will be offered November 10 for department chairs, academic program directors, deans, and faculty who are teaching FSC-designated courses. Registration and more information are available on my website here.
Faculty Annual Reports Due January 2024
It is time for regular full-time faculty to submit annual reports to be used to formulate recommendations for merit salary adjustments. Deadline to submit is January 16, 2024. Steps are outlined on my website here Faculty Resources – Faculty Annual Reports.
Core Curriculum Assessment
In Spring 2024 we will begin our new Core Curriculum assessment process for courses in Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning and Critical Thinking. In November, specific courses will be selected and faculty teaching those courses will be notified and provided with guidance for taking part in the assessment. Look for this notification from Dr. Theresa Gaul, director of the Core Curriculum.
Wintersessions Now Offered Annually
Beginning this December, TCU will offer annual online-only Wintersessions between fall and spring semesters, focusing on courses that meet core requirements, are in high demand, have high drop/fail/withdraw rates, and are required for majors. Offering the Wintersession annually will increase opportunities for students to access courses that will most benefit their path to graduation. More information is available here.
Have a great rest of your week and Go Frogs!
Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs